By: Wendy Luna Fierro, Communications and Marketing Manager, Banco de Inversiones S.A.

The Internal Workshop on Prevention and Confrontation of Crime-Bancoi 2018 was successfully held last Tuesday, October 9, in the Presidential Hall of the headquarters of Banco de Inversiones S.A. "The Integrated Management System: Internal Control Support" was the title of the work presented by the MSc. Esther de la Concepción Márquez Espinosa, systematizer of the Bank, and which addresses the implementation of an Integrated Management System as an appropriate element for the Comprehensive Risks Management.

At the end of the presentation and after the debate generated by present and members of the commission, the work was acknowledged and its elevation was proposed to the Workshop on Prevention and Confrontation of Crime and Corruption in the National Banking and Financial System, to be held in November within the framework of the Prevention and Control Committee of the Central Bank of Cuba. In addition, its review was recommended for possible publication in the BCC magazine and inclusion in the scientific event Raúl León Torras, as an exceptional opportunity to publicize the main research results, contribute to the debate of ideas and promote the application of the systems, science and technology as tools for risk management, internal control and the prevention and confrontation of crime and corruption.