Prevention of money laundering and fight against financing to terrorism and the proliferation of mass destruction weapons.
Banco de Inversiones S.A. has a Strategy for the Prevention of Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. It defines the principles and tasks aimed at the prevention of illegal activities and terrorist acts, the application of the Know Your Customer and Due Diligence Policies. It is designed according to the indications defined in Instruction 26/2013 of the Superintendency of the Central Bank of Cuba, in the National Strategy for the Prevention and Confrontation of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and Resolution 51/2013 "General Rules for the detection and prevention of operations in the fight against money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the movement of illicit capital of the Central Bank of Cuba".
The Bank has an Integral System for the identification of risks that is applied throughout the institution to prevent criminal acts. It defines risks according to their magnitude and are classified as: operational, credit, liquidity, reputational, legal and sovereign. The Internal Control System is applied based on Resolution 60/11 of the General Comptroller of the Republic of Cuba. A constant monitoring of the clients is maintained, checking that they do not appear in the lists of terrorists published by the United Nations. In each organizational unit of the Bank, the responsibilities of the workers have been clearly defined, in order to strength the prevention of suspicious operations that could lead to the occurrence of possible criminal acts of corruption.
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