The University of Havana has not yet held the official graduation ceremony for the new graduates of the 2020-2021 academic year, but it is already a fact that our bank has two new professionals who have recently graduated. For approximately two years, Bancoi has accompanied Tamara and Ernesto in their adventures with their studies, the inconstancies of the school year due to the COVID, and in the tensions and sleeplessness due to the final evaluations. The training and preparation they received by cadres and specialists were key to the preparation of their thesis work, in both cases with excellent evaluations.

Tamara Ferriol Gómez has a degree in Law. The subject of her thesis work is "Legal Opinion to the Financial Advisory Service requested by IncuBio S.A., for which Bancoi is introduced in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in the issuance of shares of this company.

Ernesto Álvarez Barceló holds a degree in Accounting and Finance. The subject of his thesis work is "The implementation of social bonds" which is one of the services that, in line with the current context, the Bank promotes within its strategy of diversification of securities issuance services.

The challenges overcome by both of them have been tough: the demands of the career, how demanding the work was becoming, the expectations of colleagues, tutors, and family members... everything has been exhausting at times, but the experience gained is invaluable. Both thank their colleagues for their patience and guidance, saying that the Investment Bank was the hardest school, but the most fruitful.

One of the principles of Banco de Inversiones is to support the personal and professional growth of its employees and invite these young people to be the new generation that will surpass their teachers and improve the work they have started.